Rosa Sanmartín: Uno siempre deja algo de sí mismo en lo que se escribe
P.: Sitúas a tu personaje (de Un brindis por el desamor) en Londres como escenario de sus circunstancias, ¿por qué?
R.S.: Creo que era el lugar necesario para que Angélica viviera su aprendizaje emocional. Londres tiene esa neblina matinal en su proximidad al Támesis, ese cielo gris y plomizo, ese Hyde Park que invita a la soledad en ocasiones… No sé, pero creo que era el marco ideal donde situar a mis personajes. Es una ciudad enorme y me servía casi como un paisaje cinematográfico. Creo que es una novela muy visual en ese aspecto.
Entrevista con Rosa Sanmartín
P. Los personajes son uno de los pilares fundamentales de una obra. ¿Cómo construyes los tuyos?
R. Vivo demasiado tiempo en su mundo (ja, ja, ja). Es una obsesión, no sé si insana. Suelo decir que empiezo el día desayunando con ellos y termino de madrugada, desvelándome, cuando se empeñan en venir a contarme alguna historia [...] Para mí las novelas son personajes que cuentan una historia, no una historia que cuentan personajes. Creo que hay un matiz muy importante que te decanta como un tipo de escritora.
Rosa Sanmartín publica Un brindis por el desamor, una historia de crecimiento personal para leer y bailar.
Angélica nos cuenta una historia con momentos alegres, divertidos, pero también instantes en los que la vida le pesa. Me gustaría que las personas que lo lean lo pasen bien, sean capaces de divertirse, sentarse en el sofá y disfrutar de una buena tarde. Que sonrían con las locuras de Angélica. También, cómo no, que se le salten alguna lagrimita cuando la vean sufrir. Este sería el mayor logro. ¡Ojalá!
Pròxima parada con Rosa Sanmartín
(A partir del minuto 14) P. Un brindis por el desamor, ¿es una novela para bailar?
R. Tiene banda sonora, sí. What's Up es la segunda canción que aparece y es una de mis preferidas. Invita a bailar y ayuda a ese momento que la protagonista, Angélica, está viviendo. [...] Quería que la música fuera una personaje más de la novela
Rosa Sanmartín, writing, between passion and reflection
In this love novel, according to Rosa, which emerged in troubled times because she wrote it during the pandemic, she wanted to investigate the mechanisms of pain when a tragedy occurs, both of those who live it closely and of those closest to it.
Grateful - a word that stands out throughout the interview - for the benefits that life has offered her, Rosa tries to return her gratitude through writing and dedicates herself to writing about less fortunate people hit by adverse circumstances.
Starting from the precise observation of reality, according to Rosa the germ of good literature, she creates solid plots of great emotional impact in which deep characters unfold. He also adds to reality his conviction of writing as an exercise in salvation and always leaves small slits of light to calm both his characters and those who read. Of course, the journey towards salvation or towards light is not without its shocks, as Rosa knows theatrical techniques in depth and her precise prose benefits from her skillful handling of dialogue.
With a slow voice, Rosa has managed to convey her kind humanism and the reflective passion with which she approaches literature and which she transmits in the creative writing workshops, one of them at the Universitat Jaume I, where she reveals secrets and essential rules when it comes to to write. Those same rules that, he claims, he loves to break.
Rosa Sanmartín, writing, between passion and reflection
In this love novel, according to Rosa, which emerged in troubled times because she wrote it during the pandemic, she wanted to investigate the mechanisms of pain when a tragedy occurs, both of those who live it closely and of those closest to it.
Grateful - a word that stands out throughout the interview - for the benefits that life has offered her, Rosa tries to return her gratitude through writing and dedicates herself to writing about less fortunate people hit by adverse circumstances.
Starting from the precise observation of reality, according to Rosa the germ of good literature, she creates solid plots of great emotional impact in which deep characters unfold. He also adds to reality his conviction of writing as an exercise in salvation and always leaves small slits of light to calm both his characters and those who read. Of course, the journey towards salvation or towards light is not without its shocks, as Rosa knows theatrical techniques in depth and her precise prose benefits from her skillful handling of dialogue.
With a slow voice, Rosa has managed to convey her kind humanism and the reflective passion with which she approaches literature and which she transmits in the creative writing workshops, one of them at the Universitat Jaume I, where she reveals secrets and essential rules when it comes to to write. Those same rules that, he claims, he loves to break.
Rosa Sanmartín has always lived linked to literature. He does not seek fame. He knows that money is difficult to come if the big publishers do not bet on it. Nor does he pretend to impress by constructing pretty phrases that remain for posterity. She writes because she needs it the way she needs to breathe, because when creating her characters she lives their lives, because she has many stories to tell and many wrongs to report. She is a sincere, honest, and very close author. And he is brave. Do you want to know it?