Only what is saved is lost
(Tribute to Antonio Machado)
December 2020
Only what is saved is lost is the fictionalization of some events that occurred, for the most part, during the months that Antonio Machado was in Valencia. We have allowed ourselves some licenses that do not correspond to historical reality, but that allowed us to give more drama to the scenes in the text. A clear example is found in the scenes that we have located in Villa Amparo (Rocafort), where the entire Machado family lived. The great absentees in those days were Manuel Machado and his wife Eulalia Cáceres. In the same way, it was not in Valencia where the daughters of José and Matea said goodbye to their parents, but they would accompany them to Barcelona, where they would spend almost a year. The interview that appears in the third scene takes a few paragraphs from the one that appeared in Fragua Social on December 19, 1936. The text that Juan Gil Albert reads in the fifth scene is an extract from a passage from his Juan de Mairena (Apocryphal miscellany. Juan de Mairena speaks to his students). The text was published for the first time in Hora de España, nº 14, February 1938. With the idea of honoring so many and so many shot during the dictatorship, we have allowed ourselves the license to modify the date of the execution of Timoteo Mendieta that took place on November 15, 1939. The next day he was thrown into mass grave number 2 in patio 4 of the Guadalajara cemetery along with 21 other murdered others. Timoteo Mendieta was buried in Madrid on July 2, 2017. However, we hope that readers will forgive us these licenses and understand that, above all, we wanted to honor Antonio Machado and so many Republicans who had to flee for their political ideas. And to those who, fighting for freedom, lost their lives.